There have been posts going on about Facebook clones or hackers that create a Facebook account using your name, photos and information. This is nothing new its been going on for quite some time but is now being spoken about more than ever in the past few weeks. The thing I find strange about this is that when people say have been cloned, I search for their profile but find only one of them, their original profile and no clone.
Is it true?
What's going on here are people just lying, claiming to be cloned? Are they just copying and pasting the same message that others are? Or it is much more than that.
Many news reports have confirmed the Facebook cloning to be true but there is something else that seems to be happening. Why is it that people that say they have been cloned aren't showing up on Facebook?
Facebook Glitch
Most people complaining about receiving friend requests from someone they already friends with are using Facebook via the blackberry app though there has been some complaints from iOS and Android users. There seems to be a glitch with using the Facebook apps. What's happens is that it sends friend requests to people that are already on your friendlist. How do you get rid of it?
A solution that was given and has worked for many people is to log out off the app and log back in.
Another solution is to log into Facebook via a PC and remove the requests.
Real Clones
Now there are real scammers out there that are cloning Facebook profiles that are adding your friends, posting as you, asking your friends for money and doing whatever else they do.
They are really good at it too they copy your profile as close as possible so that nobody would get suspicious, they block you so you will not be able to see what they doing, they even hide themselves from being searched so that nobody can search for them and find them.
I've came across a good article that explains how it is done and how can you prevent it, well sort of how can you prevent it. Check it out HERE
It appears to be a coincidence of a glitch and scammers that has cause such a huge uproar about these facebook clones. What do you think?
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